Manifesto for Addressing Rising Food Prices in the UK

food crisis


The rising cost of food presents a significant challenge for families across the United Kingdom, contributing to food insecurity and exacerbating the cost of living crisis. This manifesto outlines a series of targeted interventions designed to stabilize food prices, ensure access to nutritious and affordable food for all, and support the resilience of the UK's food system.


To create a fair, sustainable, and resilient food system in the UK that ensures access to affordable and nutritious food for everyone, supports local producers, and minimizes environmental impact.

Core Principles

  • Affordability: Making nutritious food accessible and affordable for all, especially vulnerable and low-income groups.
  • Sustainability: Promoting sustainable agricultural practices that safeguard the environment, enhance biodiversity, and ensure long-term food security.
  • Resilience: Building a resilient food supply chain that can withstand global shocks, climate change, and other challenges.
  • Equity: Ensuring fair trade practices within the food supply chain to support farmers, workers, and communities.
  • Nutrition: Encouraging the consumption of healthy, nutritious food to improve public health outcomes.

Strategic Objectives and Policies:

SSupport Local and Sustainable Farming:

  • Increase subsidies and incentives for local farmers practicing sustainable agriculture, reducing dependency on imports and enhancing food security.
  • Develop infrastructure and markets to connect local producers directly with consumers, lowering costs and promoting fresh, seasonal produce.

Reform Food Supply Chains:

  • Introduce regulations to ensure fair pricing and reduce the dominance and monopoly of large supermarkets, supporting smaller retailers and local food suppliers.
  • We know many people wish to support smaller businesses/enterprises, but cannot due to smaller businesses not being able to be cost competitive. We will ensure the whole food supply chain is revamped to make sure there is fairer opportunity for smaller scale suppliers to have a place in British society. This includes subsidising farmer (my grandfather is a farmer, the most honest profession I know) costs to make sure they are able to hold 'farmers' markets' to be able to sell the best produce at fair and competitive prices.
  • Encourage transparency in food pricing, allowing consumers to understand the cost breakdown of food products.

Implement Food Price Caps on Essentials:

  • Introduce temporary price caps on essential food items to protect consumers from price spikes.
  • Monitor and regulate the profit margins of major food retailers on staple foods to prevent excessive pricing.

Expand Food Aid Programs:

  • Increase funding for food banks and community food programs to ensure they can meet rising demand.
  • Implement a national meal program for school children and other vulnerable groups, providing access to free or subsidized nutritious meals.

Encourage Healthy Eating and Nutrition Education:

  • Launch public health campaigns to promote the benefits of healthy eating, focusing on affordable and nutritious food choices.
  • Provide education programs on nutrition and cooking skills, empowering individuals to make informed food choices.

Reduce Food Waste:

  • Implement measures to reduce food waste at all levels of the food supply chain, from production to consumption.
  • Support initiatives that redistribute surplus food to those in need, such as food rescue organizations.

Enhance Food Import Strategies:

  • Diversify import sources to reduce reliance on specific markets and improve the stability of food prices.
  • Negotiate fair trade agreements that ensure a steady supply of affordable food imports without compromising domestic production.

Invest in Agricultural Research and Innovation:

  • Fund research into sustainable agricultural practices, crop resilience, and food technology to increase productivity and reduce costs.
  • Promote the adoption of innovative farming techniques that improve yield, reduce environmental impact, and enhance food quality.

Strengthen Food Security Measures:

  • Develop a national food security strategy that addresses the entire food supply chain, from production to distribution and access.
  • Establish a food security monitoring body to assess risks and respond to potential food shortages or price increases promptly.

Support Consumer Advocacy and Protection:

  • Strengthen consumer rights in the food market, including clear labeling of food origins, production methods, and pricing.
  • Encourage the formation of consumer advocacy groups to represent consumer interests in policy discussions and negotiations.


  • Through this manifesto, we commit to a comprehensive strategy to tackle the rising food prices in the UK. By focusing on sustainability, resilience, and equity, we aim to ensure that every resident has access to affordable, nutritious food, supporting the health and well-being of our communities and the sustainability of our food system.